This weekend, three quarters of our little family was hit with a merciless, weekend-ruining stomach bug.
It hit Asher on Friday.
Then Abba on Saturday.
Then Ima on Sunday.
We were all pretty sick.
We're talking laid-up-on-the-couch,
kind of sick.
At various moments on Sunday,
one or the other of us
managed to hoist up the camera
so I could document this little adventure for you all.
Asher indulged in an unorthodox, middle-of-the-floor nap:
A lot of time was spent with Sesame Street clips via Abba's laptop:
After that, Asher lounged for hours without pants
but with his favorite shoes (thanks Logie):
As we enjoyed a good long sit outside at dusk on Sunday
(the first time we made it out of the house all weekend)
Asher improved our spirits (and our toes and legs, obviously)
by artfully coating them in watercolors.
The whole time,
tried to keep my achy eyes open