Saturday, September 20, 2008


Painting is one of Asher's favorite things to do. Ima and Asher painted outside today, because the weather was gorgeous and Abba needed to take a well-deserved nap. Oh, and also, because painting with Asher is VERY messy (is there any other way to paint?).

First strokes

A little more color....

The water is his favorite part of watercolors.

Long done painting the paper, Ashi moves on to the glass door.

Ashi and Ima heading up to the bathtub.

"Auntie Al Attempts to Feed Asher"

A photo essay in futility.

Nana and Kaya visit!

Nana and Kaya visited from Xenia on the most blustery day of the year! Good thing we got some pictures of everyone playing at the park before our power went out...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

First word?

Abba and Ima think Ashi is saying his first comprehensible/directional word - "ball." Watch and see what you think!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Nekkie man song

It's tough to get video of Ashi's nekkie time that is not too revealing for the internet. Lucky for us, we got some footage of nekkie time PLUS the special song that Auntie Al wrote for it!

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